Luca can’t help but to look at him with an astound expression. “She looks beautiful in black-Do you think it’s okay if we’ll paint it with black and gold?” Vincenzo Cassano asked him. Luca still remembers their conversation when Vincenzo asked him about his suggestion on the design of that room. “That” room was the Capo's resting place and he always told him that whenever he is inside of that room, he can think and decide clearly. The room was called the “special room” by the Cassano Famiglia mafioso because no one is allowed to enter that specific room except for the Capo and of course, to the right hand man which is him. Whenever his Capo is thinking of something deeply and he wants some peace, he usually goes to the room that was located on the right side of the master’s bedroom. He turned around and made his way towards the direction where the master bedroom was located.

Luca scratched his nape when he opened the door of the Capo’s office and found it empty.