We don’t learn how the machine was built, what it can/can’t do, etc.

The book has several already to give us appropriate constructs within which the historians can move around. Time travel isn’t a real thing (as far as I know, but clearly I don’t know everything so there’s some potential I am dead wrong), so why should I feel the need to invent all these rules and structure. It was a difficult start because the two year old inside me kept saying “but what about,” or “how did this happen,” and then “you never explained” … yet truthfully… it’s the kinda book and topic where you will never have all the answers as it doesn’t exist in reality. Throw in some romance, many suspenseful moments, the classic good versus evil battle, some interesting history lessons, and a really fun and easy-to-read style, and you’ve got a winning book series.

In this initial book, we visit dinosaurs, great library fires, epic wars and battles, and other great historical events. A group of modern history buffs work for a secret organization who travels back in time to either correct any interference from criminals trying to alter the timeline or to study and learn the reasons why things happened (that we never really understood). It’s the first (except for a short prequel) in a series with ~10 books already (and it’s only been 3 or 4 years since the author started writing the series from what I can tell). So… trying to clear off my list of ARCs (I’ve got 11 left… almost there for my 5/31 deadline… and I punished myself by not allowing any new ones until these are done)… I slotted it for this week, and wow! It was such a surprise and fantastic read. I reasoned out that it had a cool premise where historians time travel to the past to see what happened, and well, that does kinda raise my interest. When I received the email, I looked the book up as I couldn’t remember anything about it… and for the life of me, I couldn’t understand why I picked it given it’s science fiction and fantasy. I tend to get lucky in terms of winning a giveaway once each month, and earlier this year, I won this book. Included in that over-zealous moment was Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor. At some point last year, I must have been on a kick to enter tons of Goodreads Giveaways in the hopes I’d get a bunch of free books.