
Wandihnu and the Old Dugong by Elizabeth Wymarra
Wandihnu and the Old Dugong by Elizabeth Wymarra

Wandihnu and the Old Dugong by Elizabeth Wymarra

Read Wandihnu and the Old Dugong book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. Language eng Summary Illustrated children's story tells of Wandihu who has lived her whole life in the city and makes the journey back to the Badu Island in the Western part of the Torres Strait through her Grandmother, Wandihnu learns the history and culture of her island Cataloging source ANL 1972- Wymarra, Elizabeth Dewey number A823. Amazon.in - Buy Wandihnu and the Old Dugong book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. The first story is ‘’Wandihnu and the Old Dugong’ written by Elizabeth and Wandihnu Wymarra followed by some yarns about some of the stories. Wandihnu has lived her whole life in the city. Children's stories, Torres Strait Islander by Elizabeth & Wandihnu Wymarra and illustrated by Benjamin Hodges.

Wandihnu and the Old Dugong by Elizabeth Wymarra

  • Torres Strait Islands (Qld.) - Social life and customs - Juvenile fiction.
  • Torres Strait Islanders - Social life and customs - Juvenile fiction.
  • Old Dugong by Wymarra Elizabeth (5 results) You searched for: Author: wymarra elizabeth, Title: old dugong. Label Wandihnu and the old dugong Title Wandihnu and the old dugong Statement of responsibility Elizabeth and Wandihnu Wymarra illustrated by Benjamin Hodges Creator Wandihnu and the Old Dugong (Paperback) by Elizabeth Wymarra and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at.

    Wandihnu and the Old Dugong by Elizabeth Wymarra